Monday, December 26, 2005
haf been out for days.
i miss my blog.
so im back to blog.
but im going cut cut cut.
i took my my result le!
yeah! im happy wif it.
got four for eng.
i tink is qutie bad but nvm.
den three for sci and maths.
and one for eoa, cpa and chi.
hahaz. 1 of the top in skool.
opps! sldnt b haolian.
but i got veri little can haolian so....
went to chalet on wed and thrus.
stayed overnitez.
it is quite fun.
i did drink but i din drunk.
weiqi is the wan hu DRUNK!
first nitez weiqi, elena, shrileen and me
we went to the beach and chat.
the guys all slping.
they r pig so understandable.
went home in the morning.
go back there at around evening.
we went to watch kingkong.
is a nice show.
after tat went back to chalet.
watch tv awhile.
and den slp.
went home the next morning.
and the rest go to skool.
fri. sj gathering.
we meet 12 at pasir ris.
surpose to go to pasir ris park de.
but in the end go to sOck hse.
so we meet there juz to haf lunch.
so kuku lor. lolx.
at first we played mahjong.
den we play a game call pig.
so funny lor. at first onli haf
vian, sOck, ah mertz, stella and kahhao.
den later in the evening.
the old wans cum.
haf isa, hueyyen, kokwei, siyong, kaiyi,
jan, adrain, ahliang.
we took lots of pics and tok.
and play games.
we haf our gift exchange.
lolx. fun!
thanks to tos hu gave me prezzie.
i LOVE it.
THANKS so much! =))
sat is xmas eve.
meet elanie first.
den go to compass and meet the rest.
got wilson, chengwai, yehao, eugene,
yuemin, qiaoli, xue, yuemin's cousin,
jianwei, nick and me.
we walk around and got stray by alot of ppl.
but it is veri fun.
went to watch king kong for the second time.
is nice mahz so no harm watching.
den later show we meet lunz, soon and weiliang.
we went to old market for breakfast.
and we go to green to sit and chat.
went home after tat.
sun! is xmas!
slp until veri late.
but forget time le.
meet lunz, tong, soon, weiliang, andy, edwin and puiboon
at 644 coffee shop.
we went to k-ster to celebrate.
sumting lyk kbox de.
wah weilinag drunk until lyk siao lor.
is he don noe wat he toking and do le.
and he keep vomiting.
den the guys carry him in and out of the toilet.
the rest is seh which abit drunk.
except me, puiboon and lunz.
cos we din reali drink.
stay there until 4am.
den take cab home.
haf fun!
stay at home whole day.
except at nitez.
went for distance relative wedding dinner.
drink red wine.
but i don lyk.
so not nice!
went to sentosa wif kunyang, weiqi and her sis.
din reali do anyting there.
walk around see look.
after tat we went to hg hall to take neoprint.
last day wif my coloured hair.
SUMONE say tat she wun late.
but in the end she is LATE!
lolx. wun late de wun late de.
hu hu hu?! hu is she?! lolx.
wed. went back to skool for meeting.
everyting is still alritez.
went to hg mall for lunch after tat.
take neos again! yeah! hahaz.
the guys went to play pool.
den aishah weiqi and i we chat and slack around.
after tat jiu go home le.
confernce at nitez.
wif weiqi, kunyang, and wenbin.
chat frm 11 plus to 6am.
we supose to meet for breakfast de.
but tat SUMONE again cant wake up.
so din meet. lolx.
so is already thrus.
hahaz. slp at 6.45 and wake up at 10.30.
went to skool and meet sOck.
saw ql on they way.
later on went to hg mall to meet stella and vian.
we went to ps.
we haf pastamania.
sOck treated us for 5buck.
thanks sOck!
later on we sit there and chat for veri long.
jan cum and join us.
after tat we went to take neos!
NEOS AGAIN! hahaz.
i love to take neos.
hahaz. den later on shop around.
went home after tat.
wah! long entry!
hahaz. i haf been out everyday.
and im seriously broke. aiyoyo.
im in college east.
multi media.
hahahhaz. =))
reply tag:
hello sOck! thanks for tagging oways.
i haf enuff ice cream le. no need more!
lolx. thanks for the treat!
and yes kbox 1 day. =))
hong. thanks for tagging.
i see le. takecare!
fishz of cos i noe hu r u.
thanks for tagging.
cum more offen!
moo. hi francel.
seriously i miss u lehz.
thanks for tagging. =))
JIENIUS! aiyo. don oways type wrong can.
buck up ur eng. lolx.
thanks for tagging oways.
stay happy always yea?
im always here!
veri long nv say the 3 word le.
so im going to say now.
I LOVE YOU. takecare lots! =))
qiaoli. you r welcome.
yup saw ur blog le.
muz takecare hor
WANG BA DAN! lolx.
elaine. i where got don love u.
ai shi ni jiu you.
is u don love me le lor. bad u!
i lazy to link mahz. but i got see ur blog de lehz.
onli tat i din tag.
thanks for pei-ing me to take result.
hi cindy. so long nv see u le.
hahaz. i lazy to link.
next time k?
takecare! =))
Sunday, December 11, 2005
im going cut short everyting
becos im lazy.
wed. went to work.
took K1 at first.
den took back nursery.
not bad. they start to play game le.
as in not bball game.
but juz monkey.
after tat went to chalet.
is chongians/4T1 chalet.
first nitez few ppl were drunk.
sze, kelly, xue and qiaoli.
kelly is super violent.
sze veri good juz slp.
xue was quite alritez.
qiaoli is the worse.
running abt and keep saying crap.
after tat all the drunken slp le.
thrus. well i din slp even for 1 min.
at around 8 plus weiqi and aishah cum.
we play sum card game and chat and crap.
later on jenna cum back frm work.
both of them went off.
i slp awhile until 6 plus.
get prepare for bbq.
tis nitez. more were drunk.
renyi, wilson, sze, nick,
qiaoli, ah tong, lunz,
sharon's bf, kwanghong,
junrong, soon and elaine.
bth. reali alot lor.
and all r veri funny.
fri. check out and went home.
went home to slp.
wake up at 7.
get ready everyting
and went for tkd training.
sat. went over to ql hse.
sun. at home.
todae is nick's bday
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
hahaz. im always lyk tat.
sorry bout tat.
ytd is shuluan's bday.
opps! not ytd le.
the day b4.
wah. 4.15am le.
went for weight-in in the morning.
obviously tournament is near.
is either on the 17th or 18th.
pray hope is not on the 17th.
cos hafing xmas party.
went out to celebrate for
shuluan after weight in.
went to ice skating wif her and adrain.
cos she wan to go ice skat.
both of them don reali noe how to skat.
so i teach them.
hahaz. im quite good ok.
but not veri good. lolx.
after ice staking we went to play pool.
went to bugis after tat.
take neoprint again!
hahaz. i love to take neos.
shop around den went to acrade.
had ice cream after tat.
and we sat there and chat.
tat shuluan keep playing wif my hair.
she style and style and stlye.
but sum reali don look nice lor.
opps! lolx.
i went to qiaoli hse after tat.
watch hongxindajiang wif her.
and went home at 10plus.
todae is oso my pri skool wendy's bday.
sign up for OTC course le.
sOck, meizhu and atikah too.
haven go to kbox lehz.
after i finish my nlvl till now.
not even go in once.
KBOX!! lolx.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
forget wat i do on sat n sun le.
so mon.
is prom nitez!
our long waited prom.
wow every1 wore so nice.
there r lots of handsomes n pretties.
hmm. after prom sec skool life has ended.
omg. i love sec skool lor.
skool is so fun.
i will miss everybody de.
or sld i say im missing everyone
and everyting now.
prom is fun!
lets skip tues and go to wed.
wed. suppose to meet jenna at 10.45.
but tis kuku juz bathe at 10.45
and she still at home.
she oways late lor. lolx.
den reach harbour front at 11.30.
den the rest is already there.
i was cheated!
they bluff me lor.
and i don noe anyting. lolx.
ok thier plan started.
waited at harbour front.
they say vian, la, liang will b late.
so we go to sentosa first.
ok den reach palawan.
den we walk in.
on the way liang say they juz reach
den wan to bring us to vian and la.
we followed.
reach a playground ahliang say play teasure hunt.
they ask us to search for ting.
den i reali search.
got few station.
at the end i finally noe wat happen.
they blindfold me and bring me to a place.
den they celebrate my bday for me.
hahahaz. i was cheated.
later on we haf cake fight.
ok not we.
is joyce and me. hahaz.
later on we took pics.
after tat we went to the beach to play.
we had lots of fun.
and we took lots of pics.
after tt the clouds r cuming in.
so we went up.
bathe and went to haf dinner.
we had dinner at bugerking.
after tat we took lots of pics.
went home after tat.
had lots of fun todae.
a special thanks to
vian, stella, ahliang, kahhao,
hong, sock, isa, yen,
adrain, kokwei, joyce.
thanks for plannig all tis tings.
i love you guys!
st john rocks! =))
my bday tis yr is wonderful.
i tot i wun b cheated de lor.
but i was cheated twice.
had lots of fun for my bday.
thank you all my frens.
i love my frens! =))
Friday, November 25, 2005
i got bday kiss on my bday.
qiaoli kiss me on my left cheek.
jan kiss me on my ritez cheek.
qiaohui kiss me on ritez hand.
ruby kiss me on my left hand.
thanks so much!
went for kayaking expetition.
took greenview sec.
saw 1 familiar face.
she is frm st john.
sld b a officer cos she is 19 yrs old.
we kayak frm pasir ris to pulau kedam
to pulau ubin and back to pasir ris.
im behide chasing the slower one.
after tat went to compass to eat.
went home after eating.
reach home jiu slp le.
tt is abt 9 plus.
wake up at abt 3am.
went to toilet and online.
slp at 3.30am.
woke up at abt 2.15pm.
had my lunch and slp at 3pm.
and i wake up at 7.30pm.
i was slping the whole day.
cos too tired le.
i feel so bad lor.
nv go to kayaking todae.
first reason i overslp cos too tired le.
second reason i got stomach cramp.
im not a irresposible person lor.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
after tat went to meet chengwai n gang.
they don noe where to go.
so i suggest them to go expo.
hahaz. but they don wan lor.
so i plead them den finally they say anyting.
went to ps first cos they wan to play arcade.
went to expo after tat.
weiqi working there.
yup. finally get to see her lyk after 1 month lor.
went home after tat.
thanks for msging me and wish me.
they are (by timing):
ah qi
ah mertz
kin yang
kevin kor
wan tiger
chee kui
xue mei
kah kok
my real mummy
thanks elaine and jenna for calling.
and thanks to tos hu wishes me
on msn and friendster.
mon. im officially 16.
yeah! but im not realli veri happy.
cos i prefer to b young den old. lolx.
was at home the whole day.
slp until 2plus.
den abt 4 plus xue mei cum.
i was shocked.
den later on the whole gang knock the door.
wah more shocked. lolx.
ok im reali touched.
they came wif a cake.
there r xue mei, kevin kor, jenna,
wilson, yehao, elaine and aaron.
thanks so much!
first time bday surpise in my life so far.
lolx. later on wilson, yehao n aaron go off.
they went off for bball training.
later on qiaoli came over.
we watched a ghost movie.
at abt 7.
elaine wanted to go home.
so went out and open the door for her.
den suddenly! i say jan outside.
lolx. at first don noe wat she is doing de.
later on she chase me inside my hse.
den abt 8 plus she call me to cum out.
there are candles.
lighted wif happy bday jas,
we love you.
hahaz. veri nice!
and there is more candles lend to my prezzie
and to jan and the rest.
i manage to find jan n ken.
but qiaoli jenna and xue run away.
and i din go and find them. lolx.
after tat we went in to watch tv.
after abt 11 they went home.
thanks to xue mei for the wallet.
thanks to jan for tos candles and tat xiaoxin!
i love u 2.
and i love all my frens
i love my prezzie too!!! =))
tues. went for recki for thrus kayaking event.
was on the speed boat.
the root is veri far.
and they suppose to kayak.
omg. lucky change root le.
lolx. went to qiaoli hse after tat.
stay there awhile jiu go home le.
wed. went for work todae.
took nusery todae again.
they r super hyper todae.
and i don understand y.
they don listen lor.
nvm. is over anyway. lolx.
went tracking after tat.
tracking to the tip of mt faber.
is so fun! lolx.
went to jalan kayu for dinner todae.
we took truck there. lolx.
and i lyk to sit in the truck.
went home after tat.
anyone wan to go tracking wif me
at mt faber 1 day?? lolx.
tell me ok?
i am veri on de.
unless im not working tat day. =))
Saturday, November 19, 2005
to support kahhao.
he took part in the xiao yuan superstar.
but sad to say he is out.
don b sad.
try again next time.
go there wif ahqi, ahmertz, vian, ahliang.
jan n ken meet us after tat.
we went around and den took neoprint.
the rest go off first left me jan n ken.
we went shopping. lolx.
so long nv go out st john ppl le lor.
the xiao yuan superstar
quite a number of ppl took part.
sum sing reali damn nice lor.
sum jiu jia you ba. lolx.
there's tis twins i tink their singing really rocks lor.
students can sing well too. hahaz.
xinmin got 1 ger in lehz.
li hai wor. hahaz.
thanks to ah mertz and ah qi
for my bday prezzie. lolx.
they gif me a scrap book.
wif lots of effort put in.
and is veri crap but oso qutie touching.
and they brought me a veri mini cake todae.
thanks wor! =))
Friday, November 18, 2005
after tat go to huiqi's hse.
so long nv go le lor.
lolx. chat and crap as usual.
went home after tat.
todae mummy called pizza n kfc for dinner.
hahaz. is so nice lor.
she borrowed my mp3 for her fren hu r in hospital.
which means i will haf no mp3 for the next few day.
omg! nvm i still haf my hp.
they r back frm obs le!
but din get to see them.
i miss u all la.
which is qiaoli and mrs meiyouliangxin.
read wenbin blog.
all abt their obs.
suddenly i miss obs so much.
1 yr haf past.
is so fast lor.
20 nov 2004
i rmb our veri last nitez.
it rain heavily.
and we r out at the forest.
all of us din slp.
we set up fire.
used basha to cover.
all our ppl squzze in and help to warm each other.
there was once is too squzzey.
den abt 6 of us go to another side.
hug each other and is guys and gers mixed.
we told each other cold joke.
we chat for veri long.
hahaz. so funny lor.
den i rmb yun said so cold liao still say lame joke.
all of us laugh. hahaz.
we even cooked hot milo.
for us and our buddy grp.
lolx. i reali love obs lor.
wheneva it rain heavily i will rmb of obs.
of cos there r more fun tings.
im going to intro u to yun.
cos lyk i nv intro her b4.
hahaz. u all oways see i mention yun ritez.
but u all don noe hu is yun.
ok tis ger name siyun.
i noe her thru obs.
and we r veri good frens.
we share tings wif each other de.
lolx. she lyks to bully me.
and i seriously don noe y.
oways call me pig la.
silly ger la.
stupid ger la.
aiya she is a big bully la.
but i still love her.
lolx. yun where r u??!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
the hyper me is back!
lolx. i haf recovered.
no more quiet me le hor.
mon. send qiaoli to hg bus stop.
after tat went home to slp.
meet jenna at ps at aound 6.30.
den meet the rest of seal instructor at fish n co.
we went there for dinner.
as usual we r the noisy wan in fish n co.
and as usual we took lots of pics.
we had lots of fun.
and is wan's bday tat day.
tues. wake up at 5.
meet ah tan at 6.
den take hendrick's dad car.
we headed to ccab for event.
im the captain's ball referee.
hahaz. is fun lehz.
after tat went to eat at prata cafe.
went home and slp after tat.
wed. went for music lesson in the morning.
den the safra for work.
same old ting.
i took nursery.
i wanted k2. hahaz.
but nvm.
not so bad todae.
after tat we took sum pics for sumting.
i oso don noe is wat.
went to habour front for dinner after tat.
thrus. which is todae.
wake up at 5 todae again.
meet jenna at 6.
but rain so we meet later.
and we took cab down to safra.
had tampines pri todae.
we took them for water activity.
and yes is quite fun.
supposedly we sld go to tp to haf lunch
but we ended quite late and veri few ppl r there onli.
so we went to eat wif the rest of them.
went home after tat.
slp until 8.30.
den now online.
well well well.
i miss lots of ppl lehz.
i miss qiaoli
i miss qiaohui
i miss xue mei
i miss mrs meiyouliangxin
i miss koh family
- jan
- sock
- ah liang
- shi jie
- kahhao
- vian
- ah qi
- hong
- momo
i miss stella
i miss ah mertz
i miss zuli
i miss atikah
i miss yun
i miss elaine
i miss adeline cos she miss me too
i miss sze
i miss krissy
jan wishs*
jan hopes*
jan prays*
wishing dat jas is getting on fine.
hoping she'll be happy as usual.
praying she'll pass her nlevels with flying colours!
the bubbly cheerful ger in my life.
always bringing laughter to ppl around her.
never fails as a gud fren. cute n friendly. =p
dat's my ger.
get tis frm jan's blog.
im going to reply to it. lolx.
don worry jan.
im super fine.
and of cos im happy.
nlvl wif flying colour??!
opps! lolx.
lets see the results when is out.
and im not going to tell u. lolx.
my turn.
i wish
i hope
i pray
wishing tat u r happy every moment.
hoping tat u wun haf any prob.
praying tat u r doing fine and
everyting is going on smoothly.
opps! im so copycat.
lolx. learn frm u de.
and im still here for u.
takecare! =))
i get to noe tis song thru nanhua camp.
Let The Music Heal Your Soul
Oh, when someone writes a song with a simple line
Just a song where his feelings show
And if someone feels the same about that simple song
Oh, sometimes, you can hear them sing
Music brings you happiness or sadness
But it also, it also heals your soul
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain
Oh, if someone plays piano with some simple chords
So melodic and endearing, too
And if someone plays guitar with that old piano
And maybe you can hear them sing
Music brings you happiness or sadness
But it also, it also heals your soul
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control, yeah
Let the music heal your soulYeah
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control (in your soul)
Let the music heal your soul (heal your soul)
Let the music take control (let the music take comtrol)
Let the music heal your soul (yeah)
Let the music take control (oh, yeah)
Let the music heal your soul (Everybody, sing it again)
Let the music take control (let the music take control)
Let the music heal your soul (oh, yeah)
Friday, November 11, 2005
wanted to send qiaoli to skool
but i was rejected.
she ask me to rest at home.
went down to see a doctor at 8.30.
i don wan to see de.
but was force by my mummy.
and is reali force de lor.
went home took a bread
and haf my medicine.
slept until 4plus.
thanks to nurulia.
i saw the testi u wrote for me
and ur blog.
im reali ok.
thanks for ur concern. =))
don worry guys.
im alritez.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
they had their 1 star test todae.
my grp none of them fail.
we end early due to the bad weather.
after work went to meet the seals ppl.
went to sheila's chatlet.
i slept there.
went home after tat.
my voice still sucks.
and is worse.
my thoat hurts till i don feel lyk toking.
my body tempeture is juz abit higher
due to sun burnt i tink.
my whole head and face is burning.
my nose is running now.
opps. i mean im hafing running nose.
i look sick becos im tired.
task i conculde tat i m not sick.
thanks to seal's frens for ur concern.
im fine. don worry.
u all takecare too. =))
thanks jenna for sending me home.
and vian.
i noe u r my loyal blog reader.
thanks for tat too. =))
reply tags:
jenna don b so bad la.
call her maomao.
later she angry how?
hor maomao. opps!
frm todae onward i wun call u maomao.
ok? maomao.
opps m i calling again?
u muz jiayou to finish the 30pg project.
cos alot ppl still need to write.
and don b so lazy la.
takecare onli 8 letter y u go copy n paste.
lazy ger.
but i reali appreciate it. =))
and i reali miss u lots
altho u r
de JIENIUS. =))
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
afternoon bring darren along to meet qiaoli.
so qiaoli, yuemin, darren n me we went to cp.
shop around. after tat we went to hg mall.
they come to my hse after tat.
wed. went to costa sand todae for the kayaking.
first time being the kayaking instructor.
still not bad. i simply love my job now.
tho pay not veri high.
went to meet sum of the seal ppl after work.
went shopping awhile and came home.
im super shag now.
means super tired.
haf been slping late n wake up early lately.
and haf been working and going out.
plus todae's kayaking.
is worse. TIRED!
my thoat is giving me prob.
super pain now.
and my voice is super sexy.
hope i wun fall sick until after tml.
cos i stil haf to work.
but i feel sick.
im burnt.
sun burnt.
super red now.
lyk? lobster i tink.
im dehydrate now.
din haf enuff water todae.
tearing apart soon.
there's 2 ting u blive happen todae.
sumone said tat im 23 years old todae.
i got tis cao lao mehz. oh no!
sumone asked me if im a eng speaking person
cos my eng is good.
can u blive it?
actually my eng sucks,
is juz tat when condect lesson
i haf no choice but to speak eng.
i noe is unblivable.
gtg go slp le.
reali veri tired.
last but not least.
(frm seal)
Monday, November 07, 2005
omg! i don wan.
now my thoat is giving me prob.
i have been out everyday.
working n playing.
i seriously need rest.
reali veri tired lehz.
fri went out to town wif
the bunch of instructor frm seal.
haf alot of fun and we took lots of pics.
haf been working tis few weeks.
first is the kids bball.
den the nanhua camp.
den the nanyang post exam activity.
wed n thrus hafing kayaking for tampines sec.
and den next time still don noe yet.
lucky i haf a break tml.
sat. went to ice staking wif jan.
sun. went for music lesson until 3.
den meet jan n kaiyi.
went shopping at bugis den after
tat we went to suntec for dinner.
mon. went to work in the mornig.
went home to slp after tat.
went to chomp chomp to meet
the seal instructor to celebrate
eddie and ky bday.
I miss elanie nu`er
I miss qiaoli nu`er
I miss xue mei
and lots more...
Friday, November 04, 2005
im finally back.
miss me mahz??
i noe u do.
don lie to urself.
opps! =x
i met lots of new frens.
glad to noe them.
and we haf lots of fun!
we r the
food com,
noobs and attachee
in the camp.
food com oie
food com oie
food com food com
sux sux oie!!
first time being a intructor.
i admit is veri diff frm being a camper.
i still love to b in camp as a camper seriously.
but instuctor oso not bad la.
the best part of the camp is
the nitez walk. (a scary one)
camp fire.
serving food. lolx.
and tos frens!
tis camp is nanhua pri de p6 camp.
my grp is BARNEY!!
im going TP one day. lolx.
the bell of the ball. opps!
todae slp until 2plus.
den qiaoli cum over to my hse.
she pei me to krissy bday bbq.
after tat zhenglin parents
drive us back to kovan.
we don noe is his parents until
wenyi they all say it. lolx.
is damn funny lor.
go up a unknown person car.
opps!. hahaz.
went to chomp chomp after tat.
packet the food to qiaoli hse to eat.
at abt 12 went home.
now using com. bleah!
thanks for pei-ing me there.
and thanks for feeding me. lolx.
opps! not forgetting qiaohui.
thanks too.
oh no! and of cos ruby.
thanks for ur chocolate.
actually wo xiang
aka JIENIUS. lolx.
i miss four t one!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
lao shi say im abit tone deaf.
but not 100% so still can train.
tone deaf means cannot catch
the key tat cum out frm the keyboard.
i sumtimes can catch but
sumtimes not so still consider tone deaf.
kevin is faster.
he is not tone deaf.
so he haf already started singing.
but im still training on catching keys.
jenna is still writing. lolx.
lao shi can read a person
chacacter frm hand writing.
he say sumtimes i will get
too playful and wun b serious.
lolx. i tell him not sumtimes is oways.
den he say he is juz trying
to gif me face so nv say always.
den he added is u admit de.
not he say de. lolx.
after music lesson,
went to hg mall to meet elaine.
went to eat after tat.
after eating, we all went home.
Friday, October 28, 2005
tot hafing treat de.
but we r end. lolx.
so slack around to wait
for sjab to start.
so went to look look.
din reali go in cos of my hair colour.
so fun!
super long nv go sjab le.
see them do footdrill,
i got the urge to jump in and do.
i love footdrill lots!
of cos love being the timer!
i offically going back next yr.
im going dye black my hair at dec.
wait for me!
weiqi has a new name.
cos she is super forgetful
and blur todae. lolx.
todae is linhong, andy
and adrain's birthday.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
super super tired now.
slp at 5am and wake up 6am.
was in skool whole day.
frm abt 8am till abt 10pm.
it was fun.
make frens.
and i tink the performace
they reali did veri well.
is so nice.
got scolded by lots of teacher.
ok 3 to 4 is alot??
to me yes.
in a day lehz.
all abt my hair.
mr ho said,
jasmine i always tot tat u r a
veri good ger but now i tink
im wrong.
other teacher bla bla bla..
i noe i dyed my hair pink.
yes pink!
every teacher say is disappointing.
im not learning bad tings.
not following bad company.
y r u all disappointed??
i juz wan to make my tail a veri
speical colour and wan it to look cool.
it is veri simple.
not i wanna join gang of cos.
i reali don understand y.
y dyed tos special colour will comfirm b
ah lian or wat ah hua.
i wun wan to care now.
juz go ahead to b disappointed.
im still hu im.
i have nv CHANGE!
im still a veri good ger. =))
im veri tired.
don noe y..
i start turning and fliping ard 1.
argh! still yawning. lolx.
but reali cant slp.
went to work todae.
took k2 tis week wif one.
is a guy, his name is one.
lolx. the kids all ask him y his name so weird de.
cos they call him instrutor one.
enjoy work todae.
i tink is fun.
lolx. but jenna don enjoy it.
she took the playgrp.
which is lyk 3 yrs old.
hahaz. she describe until veri funny.
going to skool later.
until lyk tonitez don noe wat time.
helping eldds wif the play.
cos too free le.
lolx. i tot teachers lyk us to help out.
but now we dyed our hair and
we haf no more news frm them.
aiya dye hair oso can help de mahz.
but don teacher don wan.
so sad.
not we sad of cos, is them.
cos don haf us to entertain them.
opps! lolx.
going off to camp on sun.
don miss me.
lolx. i will b back on wed nitez.
anyting can juz msg or call me.
sld b comfirm going le.
i will comfirm again on sun.
and oh ya.
anyone haf lobang can book
chalet for 3day 2 nitez at
a cheaper price?
i need 2 chalet.
1 for obs gathering.
1 for class gathering.
tell me asap k?
hahaz. don u tink tat my post is
getting more and more english le?
lolx.. proposely de la.
but mixing in singlish and chi of cos
if not it wun b lyk me le.
a special date tat i will rmb foreva.
lying on my bed.
the tings happen on tis date flash thru.
how to describe the feeling?
hmm. it had past for a veri long time le
but the feeling is lyk juz happened ytd.
well. not mani will noe how is it feel.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
not my junior of cos
but jenna n qiaoli de junior.
they start to b disrespectful during their cca..
and ever feel tat being disrespectful is not a prob to them..
SERIOUSLY is a veri big prob.
esp for uniform grp.
uniform grp is all abt DISCIPLINE
i wan to make tings clear.
amanda if u happen to b here,
im not saying abt u.
mayb u guys tink tat she's at fault
but i tink both side r oso in the wrong.
amanda. walk away is becos u r in
a anger. i understand. but don u tink
tat is abit disrespectful to her.
nevertheless she is still ur senior.
even tho tat is her veri first time
watching the play but she still have
a little profession in her.
no matter wat she haf been in EL for 4 yrs.
i type tis not becos im helping either side
but juz trying to help u 2. don becos of ur
cca the frenship between u 2 worsen.
renyi n chengwai. yes qiaoli is veri close
wif u guys. and i mean super duper close.
always when she ask u guys to go np,
u 2 will say directly infront of her tat
u don wan to go.
and worse. the camp now,
she is giving in alot for u guys
and at first u promise her tat
u will go for tat camp. but now,
u tell her tat u don wan to go.
wow. y she bother to change
it if she don care abt u.
do u noe tat she is oso lyk tat
when she is at ur age? but
now she regreted and
don wan u guys to walk the
same path as her.
i tink u guys
sld reali tink thru wat u sld do.
and wat u sld CHANGE.
i blog all tis doesnt mean
senior and junior cant b good frens.
of cos u can.
you can.
every1 in thier cca is veri different
frm wat they r outside.
blive me.
i don mean to hurt anyone now.
juz trying to make tings clear tat
pls b more PROFESSIONAL.
thank you.
kevin kor, elaine, jenna, qiaoli and xue cum to my hse after skool.. wait not i after skool is they after skool.. opps.. not suan-ing..
weiqi is a LAZY JIENIUS!!
smile =))
don noe wat to blog le..
blog when i noe wat to blog..
mei you ling gan!
Kbox pls... lolx..
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
wat happen to mrs meiyouliangxin??
wat happen to qiaoli??
wat happen to jan??
wat happen to xue??
wat happen to everyone??
by juz asking wat happen i oso wun get any respond de..
no matter how much i care for u but u don wanna open urself
everyting is still the same..
u wun b happy and so do i..
i don noe how to console my frens..
im not a good fren after all.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
todae went to work.. den after work went off to meet jan, kaiyi, kevin kor, chengwai, wilson, aaron, agust and yehao.. den went to eat.. after eating jiu go home le.. now jan at my place..
Monday, October 17, 2005
ytd morning meet cheng wai, kor n xue mei at mac den went to qiaoli hse there and we went to airport.. JIANWEI is back frm denmark!!! i miss him so much!! hahaz..
took mrt at changi airport.. reach tanah merah den kevin kor say need to change train.. but i say don need cos i rmb reali don need mahz.. den we remind there and wait for the train to go.. when the door close the next station is expo.. lolx.. they all scold me lor.. hahaz.. not my fault la i let u all enjoy aircon lehz.. lolx..
later on meet wilson n gang.. total abt14 of us.. spend sum time in the acarde den we decided to watch movie.. we watch the skeleton key.. half of the show elaine n me is holding hand.. hahaz.. lang man mahz?? lolx.. no la. becos she scared den she hold my hand.. hahaz.. den qiaoli oso scared.. almost thru out the show she is lyk using hand or cap to cover her face.. lolx. den kevin kor n cheng wai will playing.. xue mei disturb alfred.. hahaz.. the rest too far liao cant see wat they do..
the show not bad.. quite nice but sum part oso quite boring.. after tat we went to action city to take neos.. hahaz.. 9 ppl squeze into 1 neoprint machine.. hahaz.. veri fun lor inside.. hahaz.. sum don wan to take if not more squezzy.. den later take mrt home.. we make alot of noise.. hahaz.. i tink cos too mani of us le la.. reach home abt 8plus..
so long nv lyk tat go out le lor.. last time the chongians will go out every sat or sun de.. the veri last time is when we went for steamboat.. hahaz.. had fun!
after i highlight my hair.. feel so uneasy.. don noe y.. worrying abt sumtings.. aiyo not going tink abt it.. but...
don worry im not sad =))
ppl see me wif my hair den they ask aa u highlight ur hair ar.. isnt it obvious.. lolx.. not offencing any1.. juz saying tt is so obvious.. hahaz.. i noe is asking.. cos i oways do the same tings.. lolx.. den they will say y u highlight ur hair n bla bla bla.. okok i noe i noe.. don worry even if my hair is colored. im still guai guai de.. i wun becum tos ahlian or wat. i wun follow bad company. i wun learn bad tings.. im juz abit STYLE.. lolx..

YES! i highlighted my hair..
im juz a litle fashion
not ah lian..
im still hu im..
decent de me.
lolx.. =))
Saturday, October 15, 2005
went to highlight my hair.. and YES tail colour is once again PURPLE..
i saw tis when im serving the net.
if sumting real bad happened,
and ur veri good fren nv ask u wat happen,
it doesnt mean tat he/she don care for u,
but waiting for u to tell him/her,
juz becos YOUR fren truly TRUST YOU!
hahaz.. i truly agree wif wat is say up there..
im waiting for U to tell ME when tings happen..
always there for u, my frens =))
Thursday, October 13, 2005
wake up 5.30 ytd morning.. wanted to meet qiaoli n jenna at mac for breakfast.. but in the end onli qiaoli n me haf breakfast together.. JENNA over SLPT!!! dots lor.. she say comfirm wun late le.. she pig la cannot heard the alarm.. lolx..
went back to skool to take pe lesson.. took 4e2 and 4e4.. play bball wif them.. later on play vball wif jenna.. after tat mr singh bring us out.. cos he wan to bring johnathan to cut his hair.. but in the end is shave.. lolx.. mr singh treat us drink bubble tea.. later on went back to skool to help mr singh do sum paper work.. hahaz.. while waiting for mr sighn.. jenna n me play the games inside there.. damn funny lor.. lolx..
at abt 1 plus. we went off to work.. teach the kidergarden kids to play bball.. took 159 to ang mo kio mrt station.. while in the bus we saw a nan qiao ger.. the wan on friday weekly for xiao hua de.. she damn chio lor.. hahaz.. look nicer den in newspaper.. jenna is in love wif her! lolx.. jk..
reach thiong bahru safra.. eddie n me partner.. we took the nusery.. lolx.. thery r so cute n NOISY.. lolx.. ask them to form circle, the circle don look lyk a circle.. den they will run abt.. ask them to row the ball to a person, they purposly row to another person.. ask them to "pop" the ball, they will throw the ball hardly to don noe where.. ask them to hold the ball when the ball is roll to them they will don care n when the ball row pass them, they chase n take it back.. so BU TING HUA.. lolx.. but they reali veri cute la.. hahaz..
eddie is so li hai lor.. i amired him.. he can reali teach well.. he can make all the camps n lesson so well.. and i reali enjoy the camp tat he had plan.. i wan to learn frm him..
i haf been a camper since pri 5 when i attend my veri first camp.. now ppl call me instuctor jasmine.. hahaz.. so weird lor.. seiously i lyk being a camper den a instuctor.. being a camper n a instuctor is so different..
eddie said he can slowly bring us into tis job.. but is up on us wether to take it anot.. he oso say muz b serious at times n muz show sum maturity.. hahaz.. opps! MUTURE? oh no! im a veri childish person.. hope when time pass i can b more mature and can take up tis job.
todae went to skool and help teacher to tings.. cutting, pasting, glue-ing n tearing.. we do for 5 hrs lor.. tml will b doing again.. and tis help me to kill time.. hahaz..
going to highlight my hair soon.. i wanna it to b nice and speical.. any suggestion wat colour sld i highlight.. tail muz b diff colour oso.. =))
Monday, October 10, 2005
ytd nitez chat wif mummy.. ask her if i can attend a music course.. and yes of cos she say yes.. but she ask me to go to a good music skool.. but i told her i will stay wif wat i wan now.. the price is a veri big diff lehz.. the one i wan is abt 80 bucks and the good wan is abt 200 plus.. wan to save money for her yet she still wan to to go to the ex wan.. but she say final choice go to me.. no matter wat she support me.. lolx..
den she ask me.. do i haf a boyfren now.. lolx.. she ask me go find 1.. siao lor.. i tell her mei you ren yao wo la.. hahaz.. i nv see b4 got mother ask daughter to find one boyfren de lehz.. and i nv tot of it anyway.. i luv my life now.. and my mummy damn funny lor.. she say don ever b a les.. even if i wan wait for her to die first.. lolx.. dots lor.. funny mummy..
finally going to end the chat.. and she ask me to find a job.. opps! work?? lazy lehz.. but i reali wan to work.. i wan to find a job tat i lyk..
so any1 out there got job to intro pls intro to me.. i don wan office or fastfood.. i will die in office de.. cos i hyper active butt cant stay on the chair for too long.. best is can play de.. hahaz.. i wan to b camp instuctor.. but under age now.. so if can i don mind.. hahaz.. JOB PLS! lolx.. and im going to work for 1 month onli.. i wna to rest n play for the rest of my holiday..
Sunday, October 09, 2005
went there wif jenna, geokteng, lana, wilson, kah kok, vivian, KATEH, jacky, benson and zhiliang.. all not frm xinmin de except jenna..
we went to siloso beach to play.. hahaz.. veri fun.. we play vball n went in the water to swim.. i bring jenna to swim to another side as she don noe how to swim.. den swim back and across for a few time.. wilson almost drown den benson went to save him but oso almost drown den geokteng swim over to help.. lucky nth happen..
den we continue to stay inside water but not going around le cos scared tings happen.. den we took sum pics.. funny lor them.. patten many many de.. the guys oso lyk to act lyk a fool.. den we gers sing n sing n sing.. 1 song after another.. hahaz..
later on we went to eat steamboat at marina.. after eating we went to play pool.. hahaz.. all of us wearing black shirt keep losing.. lucky benson win.. help black shirts to win a round.. lolx.. after tat jiu go home le.. glad tat i haf noe them..
din blog for veri long le.. here to wish tos ppl hu haf thier bday early on..
5 0ct
sock neng!
6 oct
mr yi xin xiao bian roger!
9 oct
(both not frm xms de)
i rmb lyk still got ppl birthday lehz.. but forget le.. lolx.. so whoever u r.. happy birthday too.. sorry for forgetting.. lolx..
qiaoli: cheers! u still have me! smile =))
there's still exams going on..
goodluck everyone!
all the best!
qiaoli: thanks for ur jiayou! over le. hahaz. u den need to jiayou now! all the best to u.. now i update le.. happy? lolx.. takecare lots! love u too. smile =))
qiaohui: i where got forget u.. forget u jiu wun always msg u le mahz.. don sad.. i miss u too! tho juz see u todae.. lolx..
jenna: lolx.. ya la.. i scared ppl don noe ur chi name mahz.. lolx..
elena: hahaz. ya so webin becos of the HEYHEY.. hahaz.. nlvl over le! u jiayou for ur EOY hor.. all the best!
siyun: always call me naughty ger de.. i so guai.. thanks for ur best wishes! and thanks for cheering me up.. yup 1 more month so u muz jiayou k? support u all the way! ruler hor! lolx..
takecare lots! miss u =))
jyrminn: thanks for visiting my blog! i don mind u can more offen.. hahaz..
xue mei: i miss you too! do well for EOY hor! takecare lots!
ppl hu r here.. tag more k?
Saturday, October 08, 2005
finally back to blog.. nlvl over! but im not happy at all.. don noe y.. don bear to leave skool ba and don noe wat to do tis few months..
National Examination
eng - was alritez not reali difficult.. but paper 1.. last question abt summary de don reali noe wat to write so din reali write..
eoa - was quite normal i tink..
cpa - to me is easy.. hahaz.. but last part got abit don noe..
sci - tis is the veri first time i tink tat i will pass my sci.. onli paper 2 de section B don noe how to do.. the rest hai hao.. hahaz..
Em - maths was alritez.. paper 1 is abit easy but i got 3 to 4 careless.. paper 2 s easy! hahaz.
i tink i can score well.. hahaz.. tink onli la.. lets pray..
7 oct 2005 is my last day of skool.. im going to miss every1.. every fren, every teacher n everyting.. i reali luv the skool.. wif fun ppl around..
thanks to all my frens..
for listening to me
for playing wif me
for fooling wif me
for lame-ing wif me
and more...
sorry if i haf
made u worry
make u angry
and more..