a post delicated to my dearest
teamates and the little kidos.
i got something to share with you.
some thing that i found on the web.
i put them together and added some stuff in.
hope they inspire you.
in dragon boat life now,
at times you might feel tired,
but always rmb you are not alone.
you have with you is your TEAM.
you need teamwork to move on.
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common goal.
It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
this may seems hard.
but it's supposed to be hard.
if it wasn't hard,
everyone would do it.
the hardness is what makes it so great.
training is tough at times,
When you feel like giving up,
remember why you held on for so long in the first place,
believe you can and you're half way there.
Pain is an emotion that conquers all ordinary men,
but it is overcome by a champion.
so this why we always say NO PAIN, NO GAIN.
You and your opponent want the same thing.
The only thing that matters is who works harder for it
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines,
but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.
rmb this,
you must believe that you can do it.
becos i believe that you girls can.
A successful team beats with one heart.
i found this that is so true,
"Even when you've played the game of your life,
it's the feeling of teamwork that you'll remember.
You'll forget the races someday,
You'll forget the the stoke someday,
but you'll never forget your teammates."
treasure your time in db,
treasure your teammates.
cherish what you have. =D

always rmb,
TEAMWORK is very impt!
hand in hand working towards a comman goal!
of course there are more.
just post up a few in this post.
the memories will stay with me forever.
before i end this post,
its nothing going to do with db.
i just wan to say I MISS CRAZYFREN!
it have been years that i see her.
hope she is doing fine.
much misses! =D
love! =D