as promised im back with the photos.
i just got all the photos today.
went with ahmao, jasline, her sis and her mum.
travel out of singapore is always fun!
i love to travel.
what we do everyday is shop and shop.
nth much actually.
so just let the picture speak k?
not to forget,
i have great company there.
we had fun right kukus?
went for training early in the morning.
did sets den jasline and me sat down and chat.
hahaz. cos we are lazy to run.
still having holiday mood.
bathe and off we go.
met up with xiong, kong and weixiang with ahmao.
we went to fish and co for lunch.
is a mini farewell lunch for weixiang.
he's going army on thurs.
went to walk around after that.
stop and have waffle ice cream.
half price today! hahaz.
slack and chat awhile and off they go.
left ahmao and me.
so we waited for ptgf to come and join us.
played ds and chat.
ahmao and me went off to meet our sec school mate.
wow! they are my clique when we are in school.
is hard to gather everyone together. hahaz.
chat and laugh all the way.
just misses the days in school.
and of cos the days with them.
too much.
im speechless.
please stay strong and hold on.
i believe in you.
alot alot of photos.
so little diff style of blogging today.
as you all know,
im lazy to blog in details.
so some of the photos will have long caption
explaining what we did and where we go.
so things will be clearer.
right? hahaz.
please be patient.
it may take some time to load.
as promised im back with the photos.
i just got all the photos today.
went with ahmao, jasline, her sis and her mum.
travel out of singapore is always fun!
i love to travel.
what we do everyday is shop and shop.
nth much actually.
so just let the picture speak k?
not to forget,
i have great company there.
we had fun right kukus?
went for training early in the morning.
did sets den jasline and me sat down and chat.
hahaz. cos we are lazy to run.
still having holiday mood.
bathe and off we go.
met up with xiong, kong and weixiang with ahmao.
we went to fish and co for lunch.
is a mini farewell lunch for weixiang.
he's going army on thurs.
went to walk around after that.
stop and have waffle ice cream.
half price today! hahaz.
slack and chat awhile and off they go.
left ahmao and me.
so we waited for ptgf to come and join us.
played ds and chat.
ahmao and me went off to meet our sec school mate.
wow! they are my clique when we are in school.
is hard to gather everyone together. hahaz.
chat and laugh all the way.
just misses the days in school.
and of cos the days with them.
too much.
im speechless.
please stay strong and hold on.
i believe in you.
alot alot of photos.
so little diff style of blogging today.
as you all know,
im lazy to blog in details.
so some of the photos will have long caption
explaining what we did and where we go.
so things will be clearer.
right? hahaz.
please be patient.
it may take some time to load.
becos of a sweet!
hmm. is inner joke.
is the sweet nice kong?!
we all know weixiong love weixiang!
is frm thailand!
siokkuan, ahmao, me, weeting and sharon!
ok picture frm here is frm ahmao's cam!
with our passport!
this is what we do when we are bored in the plane!
outside the hunted house!
at first we intend to go in.
when we reach the entrance,
ahmao ask the person is it by car or walk?
the person reply walk.
ahmao straight away turn and walk out.
jasline and me burst to laughter straight away.
but seriously, the hunted hse is real scary!
the giant house!
in the big big shoes!
our sweep us away! hahaz.
big golden eyes!
mini world! hahaz.
save me!
bored in plane!
save me!
picture frm jasline's cam!
ahmao and me!
waiting for our flight home!
don do this!
the kidos and us!
picture frm her on is frm my cam!
THANKYOU for seeing us!
they sweet bunch of ppl.
much love! =D
varron and us!
the picture frm varron's cam!
the plane!
emo? hahaz.
no! im just looking out the window!
jasline and ahmao!
one more!
ahmao and me!
enjoy the music!
nice sky!
we are really bored in the plane!
don believe?!
our room!
there is living room and bedroom.
we move our bed to living room.
cos we wants to watch tv! hahaz.
the tut-tut uncle!
this is the kfc drumlet!
rmb years ago there is this 5pcs for 1.99 thingy.
this is the spicy want.
and i really love it!
i eat it almost everyday when im there.
we went for thai massage!
picture frm her on is frm my cam!
they sweet bunch of ppl.
much love! =D
no! im just looking out the window!
enjoy the music!
don believe?!
there is living room and bedroom.
we move our bed to living room.
cos we wants to watch tv! hahaz.
rmb years ago there is this 5pcs for 1.99 thingy.
this is the spicy want.
and i really love it!
i eat it almost everyday when im there.
hahaz. is very very comfortable.
i want more of it!
we are ask to wear this. hahaz.
a guy that is at the entrance of dream world!
look at the toilet sign!
is so so so cute! hahaz.
i love my thai straw hat!
even tho im not there,
i saw alot of nice photos.
so sad that cant be there.
but im happy to see them got promoted.
those who dint,
don be sad.
do work harder for it.
believe that you can.
once again, CONGRATS!
continue to workhard and
love! =D
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