HELLO!i'm back after some time!have been busy with temasek regatta.and now finally is over.everyone in the team are like some chaota people.the sun these days are killing me!so hot!SAT.training training.everyone were so tired after the regatta.totally no energy at all.so our coach jolly shorten the training.slack in school alittle and off we go.lunch and home.met up with jenna after that.we to downtown to meet bigbigeye.off we go to kong's house.met up with madness and went in.we all look so kuku la!we dress up just for kong. hahaz.some of the ITE friend's were there. slack and do some catching up.took alot of pictures.home after that. SUN.down for training.ran the reservior and down for rowing. row row row.almost died doing rowing seriously. we lunched with hakloon today!saw hakloon at the reservoir.after debrief with jolly,i walk over to chat with hakloon.i really misses his coaching.he's really a very good coach.i just love to chat with him.i told him, hakloon! after i grad can i row in your team?hahaz. he say can!he is still as kidish. the short 6months with him.is really the happy moment.he left us alot of memories. the school and his misunderstanding.we will never get him back as a coach. but deep down in my heart,he's the best coach. he's understanding, he care. hope to see him more often. hakloon is one of my motivation!until now,mr raymond is my motivation too.every sat i will see the ite girls and him.out at the reservoir, his voice travel from his boat to mine.hahaz. i miss his voice and pushing.it was those days. not only rowing for myself,not only roing for my team,i'm also rowing for them.but i realise there's something missing already.i lost that drive in me.not as crazy as last time.why is that so?alright.enough of that.holiday is over,and school is starting tml.have night class again.faint!PHOTO TIME!
the sun set!
mr dragon!
preparing for temasek regatta!
crazy ppl!

one more!
kuku peiwen!
ptgf, huimin, im and me!
the cake!
let's sing a bday song!
blow the candle!
and cut the cake!
kong min qi!

the people there!
madness - 2? hahaz.
retarded kong!
im, adeline, ptgf and me!
bear dylan and me!
crazy madness!
bigbigeye and me!
with jenna too!
peiwen and me!
jenna and me!
netball coach and me!
love! =D