HELLO!i know my last blog entry was like a week ago.i totally got no energy to blog.or maybe i'm just too lazy.while ppl are enjoying their holiday,im suffering with projects and projects.like what i said H&C together with P1 is hell.but luckily my H&C groupmates are good.so all will do work. not that bad.i just hope holiday will come faster!im getting more and more tired each day.i think because more deadline are getting nearer.workload now is still ok,but i think everyone will just die next week.trust me. omg! i can so see it coming!grab more sleep this week! hahaz. oh well.what have i been doing.school have become our second home. everyone will just stay late in mac lab till late.and next day you will see everyone in school again.this how bad it is. went back to sjab camp.being the s5 advisor.i have to admit i never do anything.all thanks to the capable head and dy.nab and akmal really did a great job!as usual, RSM is very very fierce in camp.and this year's RSM is liying.so when she is scolding, i went telling the alumni that she is really fierce. den i start telling the alumni thati want to be RSM for next year's camp.but all started laughing.i really don understand why. camp fire themes was retro.photo will be up later.celebrated xiao eve's bday in school.all of us brougth food.so we end up having alot alot of nice food.after eating most of us went to do pull ups.omg faint! can you imagine how difficult it is.cos everyone were so full! hahaz.and today!met up with misstay, furby and sandra my moguaiyong!we went to chomp chomp for dinner andice cube for desserts. just crap alotand took some pictures.home after that. i only blog up stuff that im going to blog with pictures.hahaz. and jasmine is sick.down with very bad cough.fever for the past 2 nights.no longer have fever already.but the cough is still here.just hope it can go off asap.went to see doc today.and it super ex la!cos i cough too long already.normal medicine cant cure already.need expensive want. omg!i have to apologies.that i went off early on tues.i mean during the training.i was coughing so badly.and i wun be able to attend tml training.doc asked to rest.and due to my cough i don think i can train too.so sorry. i will be back on sat. OUR DEAREST WENBIN!he is going to army tml.all the best to him!i will see a real man soon!JIAYOU WENBIN!PHOTO TIME!
we will miss you! (:
retro SOCK!
retro vian!

retro sock and adrian!
vian and retro me!
happy birthday xiao eve!
we trying to bring her there!

too bad is drop on the floor!
don be sad captain yan,
is the thoughts that count!
look how niao is niaoren!
xiao eve and captain pei!
parther and me!
misstay, furby and me!
chomp chomp!
misstay and me!
furby and me!
ice cream!
sandra the moguaiyong!

love! =D